Tuesday, April 28, 2009

UT04 - Draft Map 2

Here is the second draft map, with the axonometric below.

UT04 - Draft Map 1

Below is the first draft map in Unreal Tournament 2004, a 3D model of an earlier axonometric seen below.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Week 1 Axonometrics

Our first task for Experiment 2 was a series of axonometric drawings, using three rectangular prisms to construct a space representing our client's ideas.

The first set of axonometrics (above) were designed for Keith Campbell. I aimed to express the ideas of knowledge and investigation in his quote by creating regimented, geometric 'building blocks', which represent learning and logical, scientific inquiry.

The second set of axonometrics were designed for Jacques-Yves Cousteau. His quote expressed ideas of flight and freedom. I used different angles and intersections of the rectangles so they would differ from the logical geometries of the first set, and thus represent unrestrained freedom and, like an archangel, qualities beyond the logical world.

Monday, April 6, 2009

Three clients, three quotes...

"...The whole of my realizable estate shall be dealt with in the following way: The capital shall be invested... the interest on which shall be annually distributed in the form of prizes to those who.. shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind.."

- Alfred Nobel

Lindsten, J.; Ringertz, N. (2001). The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. In The Nobel Prize: The First 100 Years; Levinovitz, A. W.; Ringertz, N., Eds.; Imperial College Press: London; World Scientific Publishing Co.: Singapore; River Edge, NJ.

"Buoyed by water, he can fly in any direction - up, down, sideways - by merely flipping his hand. Underwater, man becomes an archangel."

- Jacques-Yves Cousteau

Quotesea.com. (2009). Jacques Cousteau Quotes. [Internet]. Viewed April 5, 2009. Available at: <http://www.quotesea.com/Quotes.aspx?by=Jacques+Cousteau>

"I just want to know how everything works."

- Keith Campbell
The Marine Biological Laboratory Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Library, (2006). Cloning Dolly, How and Why? [Internet] Viewed April 6, 2009. Available at <http://www.mblwhoilibrary.org/services/lecture_series/campbell/about.html>