Saturday, March 7, 2009

Three Images...

Hello, welcome to my blog! Below are my three images; a piece of creative work from high school, a great piece of architecture and a photograph of something beautiful.

Creative Piece

Sure, an exploding ship is pretty violent and alarming (architects and designers are supposed to create stuff...), but I always remember this picture for the reaction it got. Looking back, most of the drawings I did look static and overly 2D, but this is one of the few that had a real feel to it; like it captured a moment and you were witnessing something. So, still happy with it. Hope you guys like it :)

Great Architectural Piece

Petra, a historical site in Jordan. I wasn't sure if this would qualify, especially after looking at modern architecture; Petra is a number of sites forming an ancient city, completely cut from and carved into the rock around them (this is just one, the treasury). But structures with sections and spaces were still designed and created, even though material was removed from a site rather than brought to it. I think that achievement makes it even more amazing.

Something Beautiful

Okay, flowers are a cliche and unoriginal, but this bunch in particular was the perfect photo opportunity. The purple-white colour combination is so striking, even bordering on unrealistic (at first I thought they were fake). Just really cool, and naturally beautiful.

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